Good Morning Messages, Good Night Messages, Romantic Messages, Love Messages, Weekend Messages, jumma messages, Birthday Messages
Saturday, October 28, 2017

If you listen to my breaths closely, you will hear the words I Love You coming out with every single one. I am literally living for you, and only you. I love you.

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Those frightening feeling in times
I thought I was going to fall transforms
into a gleeful feeling of love when you’re there to catch me.
Thank you and I love you.

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No one in the world has tasted nectar except for me. Do you know who that nectar is? You, my love!

The only time I really feel complete is when I'm next to you.

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Every time you pause in your work, that's a moment I want to fill with my love for you.

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You're my world, my sunshine, and the man I'm most proud of on this earth.
Thanks for all you do to take care of our family.
I love you.

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Like the song says, "There's no one like you. I can't wait for the nights with you." Hope you have a good day, because it's going to be a great night.

romantic quotes on images

Love was one of those things I thought I understood until I met you and you showed me what it really was.

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Hope you're having a good day sweetie. I can't wait to see you today!

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A very wonderful day for my love (his nickname), I miss you so much. Hope you are doing great there.

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Sometimes I have to pinch myself just to make sure I'm not dreaming. Not always though. Living with you, I kind of get used to living in a dream.

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I was thinking that I might start cooking a little early today, and make your favorite dinner, followed by a back rub, and maybe a hot bath. Could you bring some wine home with you?

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It really makes me feel so loved when you bring me flowers, chocolates, or even just a smile.

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Nothing you do says I love you more than when you play with my hair.

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In all the world, the sweetest words to show me your love are the ones you write to me in letters.

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When you kiss me on the forehead, I know it means you love me. Thanks baby. I love you too.

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I love you. I need you. This fire consumes me, and it can only be quenched when I've let this passion free and expressed my love for you. Come, please, that I might share this with you.

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In all the world, there is no one who yearns to love you as I do. It consumes my every waking moment, yet you are always busy. Have you not even a single evening, that I might make my love for you known?

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I need but a moment. Just your ear, at the bottom, where my cheek might press against yours, and my lips murmur these words of love I've so long held close, but never shared. Give me just this moment.

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I know that when I am older, I will look back at the days when we used to argue about petty things and I will be happy, knowing that our love was stronger and bigger than those things. You need to know that I am thankful that you are in my life and that I will love you till the day I die. Unconditionally and without any end, I love you, baby!

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I want to thank your unconditional and undivided love. Thank you for all the laughs and all the good times we spent together. Through thick and thin, you have been the sunshine in my life. I can’t stop thinking about you! You are everything to me! I love you!

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If you ever ask me how many times you've crossed my mind, I would say once. Because you came, and never left.

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Come and listen to my breaths, you will hear “I Love You” with every single breath. The only mission of my life is to get you and make me yours. I love you.
Even I do not know the way to my heart. It is only you who know this. I Love You.

My day will not start with the sun until I get a message from you with a hug and lots of kisses in it. I Love You.

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Your love just everything for me. It is sweeter than honey for me and more pleasant than the morning air. Your Love, my life. Keep loving.

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For most of the people in the world, the only mission is to trust their lives. But for me, the only mission is to trust you to the limits. I Love You.

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Exciting, overwhelming, astonishing, thrilling, gripping, exhilarating, enchanting, overpowering, stimulating, uplifting, elating, breathtaking and energizing. This is the glimpse of my feelings when i fell in love with you. I Love You.

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From random laughs to random kisses, our love has put me in a blissful state of randomness that I never want to come out of. I love you.

I thought I knew everything about myself there was something that I didn’t and you did… the way into my heart. xoxo

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The sun can rise, the sun can set, but my day will never start until I get. A text from you, followed by a hug, and later a lot of kisses over a warm coffee mug. I love you.

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Holding your hands and resting my head on your shoulders,
having a walk on the sands of beach – the most embarrassing moment in my whole life! Stay with me forever honey!

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