Good Morning Messages, Good Night Messages, Romantic Messages, Love Messages, Weekend Messages, jumma messages, Birthday Messages
Saturday, April 11, 2015

The leaves of a plant do not look green forever,
Flowers do not look fresh forever;
But I pray to God that smile on your lips stays forever.
Have a nice weekend!

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When you move your focus from competition to contribution, life becomes a celebration.
Have a nice weekend!

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Hope to have you with us on Sunday. I’ll cook you your favorites. Just let me know. Love, Mama.

I hope that your weekend is worth the wait. Enjoy!

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Sometimes it’s very hard to move on, but once you move on, you’ll realize it’s the best decision.
Happy Weekend!

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Have a lovely Weekend!
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.

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Make your weekend worth of stories. We’ll exchange words after a day or two. I love you!

weekend messages

Sometimes your best feelings are conveyed in the words which you never type and never send.
Have a nice weekend!

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Kill tension before tension kills you;
Reach your goal before goal kicks you;
And live lie before life leaves you.
Have a nice weekend!

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Be happy with what you 'Have' and what you 'Are'. Be generous with both, and you won't have to ever hunt for happiness.
Have a nice weekend!

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We’re lucky to have 2 days of not seeing each other. Relax, I’m not finish. .. So that I have enough time to miss you. I love you. Have a great weekend!

 have a nice weekend images

May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.
Have a nice weekend!

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The plan for Friday can be extended to Saturday and then to Sunday. For sure we will get to Monday upset because of the hangover, but then there’s next weekend. Happy weekend!

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When things aren't adding up in your life, start subtracting the problems and some people from your life.
have a nice weekend!

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What can be better than to get out a book on Saturday afternoon and thrust all mundane considerations away till next week.

 have a nice weekend images

Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.
Have a nice weekend!

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If you want to enjoy
Make plans to visit new place
On weekend specially on Saturday.
Good Morning.
Have a sweet Saturday!

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I am feeling good when you smile
And makes me too good for all
Specially on Saturday
When I feel relax.
Good Morning.
Have a beautiful Saturday!

happy weekend images

If you wait for happy moments, you'll wait forever...
But if you start believing that you're happy, you'll be happy forever!
Have a happy Weekend!

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Don't be happy for a particular reason, because that happiness ends when the reason ends.
Be happy without any reason and you will be happy in every season.
Have a great weekend!

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You can have anything your heart desires if you are willing enough to work for it and patient enough to wait for it to be yours.
Have a great weekend!

weekend messages

Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart.
Have a nice weekend!

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It is not how much we 'Have';
But how much we 'Enjoy', that makes Happiness.
Have an enjoyable weekend!

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The plan for Friday can be extended to Saturday and then to Sunday. For sure we will get to Monday upset because of the hangover, but then there’s next weekend. Happy weekend.

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It has been a week of hard work, we deserved nothing else but this weekend. So why don’t we go on a spree until Saturday? Do not forget cameras to die laughing on Monday looking at the pictures.

beautiful weekend images

This long holiday I’ll disconnect myself from the world because I’ll be with my boyfriend in a heavenly place, better not envy me and assemble plans of your own for fun. Have a good weekend, I will rejoice more than anyone.

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☻Marvellous Monday,
Tasty Tuesday,
Wonderful Wednesday
Thankful Thursday
Friendly Friday,
Successful Saturday,
Sweetest Sunday.

Happy Weekend   

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1 Advice-Don't change,
1 request-take care, 
1 wish-Don't forget me,
1 Lie-I hate U,
1 truth-I Miss U,
1 suggestion - enjoy weekend
have a Joyful weekend   

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One advice, don't change;
One request, take care;
One wish, don't forget me;
One Lie, I hate you;
One truth, I miss you,
One suggestion, enjoy weekend.
Have a joyful weekend!

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That feeling of excitement at the last minute of your Friday activity.
Have a nice Saturday !...

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Forget about what happened within the week.
Weekend signals a fresh new start.
Good Saturday and Sunday to you and your family!

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The beginning of new life for another week ahead.
Thank you Lord!
Have a nice Saturday !...

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The past of ice is water and the future of ice is also.
So let’s live life like an ice, no worries for past or future!
Have a nice weekend!

Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them. ~John Shirley

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Better days are coming. They are called Saturday and Sunday. ~Author Unknown

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